St. Matthew Lenten Retreat - Norwalk, Connecticut

Monsignor Walter Orlowski, Pastor

Over 150 parishioners attended this Lenten retreat, which was titled: "The Greatest Prayer the World has Ever Known"


This retreat has been a blessing to me. Thank you for all your sharing. The most meaningful part of this day was the full explanation of the Eucharist and the gift of the Holy Mass. Thank you so much!

By participating in this Retreat, I have broader understanding of my responsibility in growing our Catholic Church, through Eucharist, Faith and Action.

My life is on loan to me, like my children, it's all His. When you borrow something you want to return it in great condition.

The whole day was very meaningful because it touched on different aspects of our faith. The explanations and the importance of the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist was by far the most important because it is the knowledge and the receiving of the Eucharist that defines who we are. Thank you and God bless you.

The living God is truly the way, the truth, and the life. We are his hands, feet, eyes, and voice to evangelize. It is living each day in service to God and by doing so share His love.

The most meaningful things for me were the presentation by the team and the excellent printed material

"Precisely because it is Eucharistic Spirituality, the retreats and talks promoting Mystical Humanity of Christ as a way of prayer is helping the faithful quench their thirst for spirituality in the United States today. This is the work of the resurrected Christ and we are simply instruments responding to the choices He gives us."

Michael McDevitt
Executive Director and Custodian for the Writings of Servant of God Cora Evans


Spiritual Communion
1 min 24 sec
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4 min 46 sec
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